Archive for November, 2014
Patpong revisited
I went into Patpong the other evening, and for the first time in a long time I went into a couple of the better-known girlie go-go bars. My usual trail takes me to the French Kiss, an elaborate bar-beer where you can enjoy a thoroughly good menu of French food, and on of course to KC3, the first ladyboy bar in Bangkok and still going strong. I don’t usually bother with the Patpong girlie bars, because they have for many years now descended to a sad formula of crap music and far too many unattractive girls.
I was amazed at the emptiness of both the bars I went into. I was very nearly a lone customer in both. Okay, so it was early, about 9pm, but even so, the bars used to be heaving by that time in the old days. I get the same story from friends who go to Patpong on a regular basis, and also from a couple of the old-timers who work there.
Yet this is only the girlie bars. KC3, which of course is 100 percent ladyboy does good business. The al fresco music bars seem to do well too, given that they have proliferated in recent years and they always seem to attract a good crowd of tourists.
And tourists, I rather think, are the reason that Patpong just ain’t what it used to be.
My own memories of Patpong go back to *COUGH!!*. There was no street market there at that time, and it really was a raunchy place. The street market brought the tourists. The tourists diluted the raunchy atmosphere. Patpong has been gradually changing over the years, and the advent of the music bars has given the street something of a carnival aura, rather than a dark place with dark doings going on behind dark doors.
In other words, it has become palatable for the fat-arsed self-righteous kind of Western woman who is prepared to be steered through the street by her hubby, as long as he has the blinkers on.
Compare this to Nana Plaza. Nana is still jumping with high-octane sex and sensuality. And along with having some hot girlie bars one of the most surprising things that has happened to Nana is the increase in the number of ladyboy bars. It used to be just Casanova, a decade or so ago, but there are now I believe six ladyboy bars there, and they all seem to do rock-solid business. Certainly, a very large number of ladyboys depend on these bars for an income.
As I have mentioned before on this site, many men who would have previously come to Bangkok looking for female company, now come looking for ladyboys. Talking to a friend over the weekend, a fellow ladyboy lover, we wondered how the average Western woman would react if she found out her husband was indulging in ladyboy company.
We agreed that, yes, we had a pretty good idea of what would happen if hubby went off with a cute little genetic girl for the evening. But a ladyboy?
A Western wife would, we concluded, be lost for both words and emotions. A ladyboy does not represent a challenge. No one is going to divorce his wife and marry a ladyboy. Or get a ladyboy pregnant. Or flaunt a ladyboy as a mistress.
Would she accuse him of being gay? His reply: “Well, dear, you really should know the answer to that one.”
As always, the world of the ladyboy is a continual puzzle with no easy answers.
Posted: November 19th, 2014 under General.
Tags: The ladyboy experience
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Girl talk
Two ladyboys decided to use my bedroom as a beauty salon one recent Saturday afternoon. I had just photographed one of them, who had spurted a very nice hot load, and rather than go off home she decided, along with the friend who had arrived with her, to have her hair curled.
She produced electric curling tongs from her bag. “I was going to do at home, you not mind I do here?” she asked.
I said no, please do go ahead and make yourselves comfortable. And so they did. I went back to my computer to edit her photo set, and to make her a CD of the respectable pictures as she had requested (”no ass, no cock, no!”), and with an idle ear I tuned in to the conversation of my two young friends.
It really was like listening to two girls. Fashion, pop stars, movie stars and boys. They had forgotten I was there and so they were uninhibited. One thing that became apparent, however, was that they were far bitchier than genetic girls.
I don’t know to whom they were referring when they spoke about so-and-so having had such an ugly nose-and-chin job. But they made her sound like Mr Punch. I hope she doesn’t turn up for a photoshoot.
I also don’t know who they were speaking about when they described someone else as having a rear end problem after having been gang-banged by three Thai boys. Apparently she had not protested at the time, but next day found it necessary to visit a doctor and will not be physically able to do that again for a few weeks.
On and on went the conversation, and on and on went yours truly, earwigging with increasing glee.
“I see her get changed in bar, I watch take pants down she have very big cock.”
“She have tattoo done on leg but go bad and have to go hospital.”
“She change her hair colour now red but want blond. I think look very bad.”
“Two persons they have to go police station because police catch them with crack.”
“I have friend in Udon, policeman try take her but she suck policeman cock and he let her go.”
I laughed at the last one, and they heard me. Hey, they said, you remember Yoko? Yoko she go Taipei, but just come back Bangkok. This week. She have breast operation now. You want see her again?
Yoko is one of my favourite girls, a real beauty and a thoroughly nice person. The pictures accompanying this blog entry are of Yoko. Pretty girl, yes?
Posted: November 15th, 2014 under General.
Tags: The ladyboy experience
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The long shot
It is not always a forgone conclusion that a ladyboy is going to shoot a full load at the drop of a hat. The taking of hormones, maybe the room temperature set too low, very often the presence of a person standing over her with a camera (no matter how devilishly handsome he may be) are all going to have a detrimental effect. Which is why, very often, a considerable amount of the time taken for a photoshoot is spent by my waiting politely and quietly for a ladyboy to pull her willy for long enough to produce at least some result.
I say “quietly” because, of course, if I were to show any signs of impatience it could scupper the entire business. You know what it’s like…if someone is waiting for you to cum, then very often you can’t do it.
I had a prime example of this problem in for a photo session the other evening. This is a ladyboy I like very much, who has always managed to shoot a load on cue, and who has a very nice looking dick into the bargain. The session went well right up to the time when we were ready for the final sequence. Her cock was hard, and I hovered over her with the camera, looking forward to the fragrant white spurt.
She pulled and pulled and pulled. She stopped and stroked her balls. She put her finger into her bottom. Then she pulled again. She bit her lips and she rolled her eyes. She puffed and panted. She flopped her dick around and then started tugging at it again.
“Hormones,” she groaned at me. I was doubtful, as I wasn’t aware she was taking any. I think she just had one of those times when she couldn’t make it. Maybe the previous night, or even that afternoon, she had had a heavy session.
I looked down at her cock as she paused. It was very red from all the work it was having to do. Would you like to take a break? I asked. “No, no, it’s okay, can cum. Cannot stop now.” I picked up the camera and retreated quietly to a point behind her right shoulder, so that I could see the stuff emerging. And I waited. She gasped in frustration. “Oh! Long time! I sorry!” Never mind, I replied. Would you like me to leave the room for a few minutes? I went into the kitchen to bring her a glass of water. When I got back she was leaning against the bedhead, a complacent look on her face, her eyes half shut, and a large white puddle on her tummy. Well, I said, I’m very glad you enjoyed that. Can I have some? She giggled. “I sorry but could not wait,” she replied.
I took my pictures of the lovely sticky stuff, and then dipped my finger in it and licked it. It tastes better hot, I commented. She giggled again. The little minx.
Posted: November 5th, 2014 under General.
Tags: The ladyboy experience
Comments: none